senior housing - richmont senior

Meaningful Activities at Senior Housing Facilities

Assisted living facilities should give your loved ones the attention and care they truly deserve. Among the many services that they provide, senior housing makes sure to create meaningful activities for their patients.



Daily Exercise


You can expect a variety of exercise options aside from the wellness and health programs that assisted living communities to provide. Many of these communities facilitate exercise classes or daily walks with seniors to make sure that they are able to sustain muscle balance and strength. Of course, the exercises are designed within the bounds and abilities of the seniors so nothing is too strenuous. They can also enjoy water aerobics and free swim time in some communities.



Brain Booster Games


Wellness and physical health often go hand-in-hand to bring about cognitive well-being. Thus, assisted living communities should offer regular activities that enhance the brain. They should have a meaningful goal of sustaining memory while combining that goal with fun. Activity directors should be able to facilitate fun games to get residents laughing, talking, and thinking together.



Planned Community Outings


If the residents want to enjoy community activities, they can do so by taking transport services to different locations. They can participate in fun and meaningful events off of the property. Such events would include field trips, movie nights, and many more. Stimulation and variety are important factors for your loved one, so you ought to encourage them to get out and enjoy being in larger communities.



Music Nights


Needless to say, older folks enjoy listening to their favorite music and songs from back in the day. In certain instances, you can hear them sing along with the music from their past because they still remember every word. This shows how powerful music is for people. Hearing this music can lighten their mood and make them happy. It can have the power to send them back in time to when they went dancing to their favorite band.



In assisted living communities, they can bring music to their residents by encouraging them to engage in planned musical activities. These could range from live music, outdoor summer picnic to a dance night, or karaoke night.



Continuous Engagement with Favorite Hobbies


Whether they enjoy gardening, playing cards, or scrapbooking, residents inevitably bring some old hobbies and interests with them into senior housing. It is special and means a lot to residents when they are able to keep doing such activities in senior housing facilities.



Most assisted living communities to allow and encourage residents to keep doing those things to keep them engaged. The staff of these communities are very supportive and gladly will help with these activities when needed.



Senior housing communities come in a number of configurations. Each of them meets the modern needs of today’s seniors. These choices include assisted living only, independent living only, and a mix of independent and assisted living facilities.



If you are trying to decide which senior living facility your loved one should go to, then you need to make sure the facility will meet his or her needs. Likewise, it should be packed with the daily activities that residents love to engage in.




Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Alzheimer's - senior living

Alzheimer’s Patients in Assisted Living Facilities

There is a significant amount of recent cases and stories that show assisted living facilities can provide a better and more holistic level of care for residents than home health care and nursing homes.



The facilities are so successful because they provide a well-rounded system of care and make residents feel like they are comfortable and safe. These facilities aim to feel more like a home than an institution. Their programs are centered more on the mental, emotional, and psychological needs of their patients through fun, interactive, and helpful activities.



Through this kind of approach, residents or patients are able to find significant value within their lives despite the assisted living conditions. This has a positive effect on their health and well-being which eventually increases their total life expectancy.



In this piece, we discuss the advantages of why an assisted living facility for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients is a better choice of care than nursing homes. Also, we will explore the factors that help families determine when is the right time to move our elderly family members to these communities.



Why Assisted Living is the Better Choice


Assisted living is a great choice of facility for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. Standard home health care is an option, but assisted living puts greater focus on programs and activities that are within the scope of memory care.



Assisted living facilities emphasize freedom and try to build up their residents’ independence while also providing patients with the essential level of the care that they need.



It is important to be aware of the warning signs that could indicate it is time to move to an assisted living facility. When you are aware of these signs, it can be easier to identify them in elderly people.



Knowing the Signs

Deciding to move a family member to an assisted living facility or community is never an easy one. When their situation or conditions become very hard to handle at home, it may be a good time to consider moving them into one.



Many families would still prefer to take personal responsibility in caring for their elderly family members. However, there are times when their current state needs the care and attention of a professional.



When families realize this, an assisted living facility for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients is the best choice. Here are some tell-tale signs to identify if it’s the right time to move a family member for assisted living.



Safety – When a family’s home becomes a hazard for a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia, it’s time to consider moving them to assisted living where it’s safer and more monitored.



Sundowning – Sundowning is a term that describes patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s episodes of increased memory loss, anger, agitation, and confusion.



Wandering – Due to their memory loss, they often find themselves wandering out of nowhere. This can truly be a hazard to them and increase their chances of getting lost, or worse, incur injuries and accidents.



Increased Care Needs – Finally, the more Alzheimer’s disease and dementia progress, the more it can turn for the worst. As their conditions worsen, the greater their need for professional care becomes.




Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

memory assisted living - richmont senior

What’s needed for a Memory Assisted Living Facility?

It is common to provide a convenient living space for people who are undergoing a progression into Alzheimer’s disease, including other forms of dementia. So, it is best to consider the level of care that patients will receive when families are seeking to choose an assisted living facility.



This is where memory care and assisted living comes into play. But memory care facilities often differ from assisted living facilities. In the event that you can’t find a place that offers both, here of their key differences:



Memory Care Units


  • This is an ideal option for people with dementia for a higher level of skilled supervision and care
  • Offers both private and shared living facilities
  • Provides 24-hour supervised care that is given by trained staff
  • Offers the same services as assisted living facilities
  • Provides activities to stimulate the memory of residents with Alzheimer’s and other dementias
  • Activities would include arts and crafts, games, and music, among others



Assisted Living Facilities


  • Provides supervision and care for Alzheimer’s patients in the middle-stage development
  • Individuals are given an assisted living space, particularly on a private apartment, private studio, or shared apartment
  • Availability of staff 24 hours a day to provide assistance
  • Provides management of medication, transportation to and from the doctor’s appointments, and social activities
  • Offers a way for residents to gather and eat meals at a dining hall



Nevertheless, patients can take advantage of both services at a facility like ours at Richmont Senior Living. Practically, patients can have memory assisted living spaces within these facilities.



Common Services Offered In Memory Care and Assisted Living


There might be some differences in state regulations when it comes to services offered in senior care communities. However, both would offer basic supervised care, help with daily activities, and medical monitoring. Moreover, they can also get other services in both memory assisted living facilities.


  • Medical care access
  • Emergency call systems
  • Health and exercise programs
  • Laundry service and housekeeping
  • Social programs and activities
  • Round-the-clock 24-hour per day security and staff supervision
  • 3 meals per day
  • Transportation assistance



You might be charged a little extra for some of the services offered here above the basic monthly rate.



Who Needs Assisted Living Facility


When your loved one is still showing signs that he or she is still relatively independent, and if dementia or Alzheimer’s is not an immediate concern, then you might choose an assisted living facility.



Who Needs Memory Care


Those who have complex care requirements that are accompanied by memory impairment may need to go to memory care facilities for immediate care. This is basically an assisted living community that would also include special care units for patients with dementia.



If you are going to consider memory assisted living for your loved one, then you should know what to expect. You may choose a facility that is just within your area so that it will be easier for other family members to visit loved ones as they please.



It might be a very difficult decision to consider memory care or assisted living facility for your loved ones. However, you can have peace of mind when you consider their health and well-being.




Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

nursing homes - richmont senior

Very Common Reasons to Consider Nursing Homes For Older Loved Ones

When it comes to taking care of your loved ones who need special care, there is nothing better than nursing homes. This is because of the improved standards driven by government regulations as well as consumer pressure.



These facilities are high-quality institutions that are well regulated. This is because they are intended for the care and treatment of older citizens with several mental or physical disabilities. Thus, you should know when it is time to consider an assisted living facility for your loved ones.



Who Needs Nursing Homes


Basically, if a person has a particular type of disability required to have activities of daily living, then it is more than enough reason to keep him or her in a nursing home. However, an undeniable fact states that there are more disabilities in nursing homes in comparison to people living at home.



People with Mental and Physical Problems


Moreover, mental conditions have become more common aside from physical problems in nursing home residents. One of the most common is dementia, which is about 50-70% of residents.



Older Family Members


It is estimated that about 50% of the people living in nursing homes are 85 years of age or even older. In fact, seldom can you see residents who are younger than 65. In these statistics, most are women in which many of whom don’t have spouses.



Characteristics of Nursing Homes


Medical services are offered by these facilities to people who have undergone surgery, illness, or any other medical problems. In this case, older adults are given a higher level of care. This makes hospital stays shorter than usual. There are different services within nursing homes, which include the following.


  • Breathing treatments
  • Intravenous therapy and antibiotics
  • Orthopedic care
  • Physical, speech, and occupational therapy
  • Skilled nursing care
  • Support after surgery
  • Wound care



At the same time, residents are given nutritional counseling, recreational activities, and social work services. Moreover, they receive hospice care and respite care.



Choosing a Nursing Home


You might need help when looking for nursing homes. In this case, your healthcare professional or provider can give you recommendations through detailed information to help you compare various nursing homes.



Role of Families


Take note that nursing homes can often seem depressing and scary, and can even fill a sense of failure and betrayal for the incoming residents. That is why family involvement is essential to help their loved one transition to a new living facility.



This might seem unlikely for families to abandon their loved ones by putting them in nursing homes. On the contrary, lots of families support their loved ones. In fact, only a few of them are really without any family.



Nevertheless, family members are motivated to visit residents on a regular basis, as well as get involved in complete care of their older relatives. They can also give them company and help them with their basic activities of daily living. This is because they will be able to communicate with the needs of the residents better.




Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

assisted living - richmont senior

Assisted Living: What Is Memory Care?

It would be fair to discuss the difference between assisted living and memory care. It doesn’t mean that there is a fine line between these two terms, but it may seem appropriate to get familiar with them first.



Assisted Living


For seniors, assisted living provides them with help through daily life activities without compromising their independence. The residents would also enjoy the amenities and features as those in Independent Living facilities. However, there are additional features, such as personal care, laundry, and three meals a day with snacks.



The level of personal care given to meet the needs of the residents. Personal assistance includes bathing, grooming, dressing, medication, and many others. However, services for an assisted living facility might be increased or decreased in time or as necessary.



Memory Care


The term memory care refers to the specialized support for residents with Alzheimer’s or with related conditions. Most of these services provide assistance and sustaining care. Likewise, the program provides supportive health and personal care service for the whole day. This also includes the provision of care in a designed, therapeutic residential setting.



Comparison of Long-Term Care Cost


The comparison of costs in assisted living and memory care would be both subject to many of the same variables, such as the size of the room, shared space or not, services required, and geographic locations. However, costs would figure a bit different for both types of care.



Assisted living communities would generally charge a monthly rate basis. This would cover the room and board with 2 or 3 meals daily. In some facilities, they include housekeeping, laundry, and related services still in the base rate.



Memory care offered is specialized care and many other nursing services not found in other assisted living environments. However, the cost would be a bit higher. There might be some options though to help pay for senior care, as they can reduce the out-of-pocket price tag.



Additionally, it involves structured activities or programs that are designed to provide care for residents suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. If you are going to choose between the two service facilities, you should be considerate of the current condition of your loved ones.



For instance, if dementia or Alzheimer’s is not an immediate concern, and if your loved one would want independent care, then the excellent choice is assisted living. Memory care only is favorable when your loved ones require complex care with memory impairment. Take note that assisted living communities may also include a special care unit for people with dementia.



Basically, memory care facilities provide long-term care solutions for older adults suffering from memory loss. Such services would include a secure unit with staff trained to understand the needs of dementia patients.



Activities in Memory Care Facilities


  • Exercise and physical activities
  • Engaging in cognitive activities
  • Sensory activities
  • Making the most of the daily activities



You can rest assured that facilities offering memory care have added some computer-based, memory stimulating programs. This would show the evidence of helping the residents with dementia or Alzheimer’s to become more active via cognitive stimulation. Contact Richmont Senior Living today for more information.




Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living

Senior Living: Finding the Right Community

Sometimes finding the right senior living community for your loved ones can challenge your most important decisions in life. Well, there’s no need to fret because here are top elements that you can look into when assessing a senior living community.



You Need To Observe the Level of Cleanliness


You have to check if the community is fresh and clean, and so you have to look past just furnishings but into baseboards, corners, and windows as well. Part of this evaluation is the details in which maintenance is provided with its estimated response times. Laundry procedures also matter, so don’t forget to ask about specifics regarding its availability and cost.



You might encounter odors around the property, which can be an indication that they lack the cleanliness or it may just be a temporary problem. If you have observed this, however, around the community, then it is part of a bigger problem. You can ask authorities on what might have been causing the problem.



Visit during Activities


If you go on tour to a senior living facility, you can schedule it in conjunction with their community activities. You may have to ask the manager if you can observe some of the activities or even participate. You can then see if such activities or events are well attended or not.



You may also ask further questions regarding the calendar of events, which might also coincide with the interests of your loved ones. Find out if they include trips or outings to other locations, which could be important to you and your family.



Staff Friendliness


The positive attitude of the staff can have an impact on the senior facility. Ensure that you can observe this from staff when they interact with current residents. It is also important that they listen and make eye contact. You also have to get a good understanding of the staffing pattern. Part of this is the people who are actually involved in the care of the residents.



Take a Look at the Outdoor Areas


It is one of the most enjoyable experiences for the elderly to enjoy the nice sunny outdoors. You can include this in your tour of the outdoor areas available to residents. The area must be safe and secure so that the residents feel confident and at home. You can ask if the staff would utilize the same areas for their own personal breaks.



You Can Eat a Meal at the Facility


The dining room area is one of the very important experiences to seniors, as with most of the people. So when you visit the community, it is important to discuss entrée choices. Part of this venture is that you can learn about the hours for dining, procedures, and options that they may have.



You can share a meal with your loved one and enjoy the accommodations offered. This is one of the ways to enjoy the cuisine, as well as open up a great opportunity to meet some of the residents.




Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco